
This space is my personal blog where I capture things that I think are important.

Particularly, this is a space I want to capture a "Hall of Fame". A place I wish to publically acknowledge people who have made an impact on my life.

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    Mina F.

    When I first started learning Japanese, using the app HelloTalk, Mina was the first Japanese friend I made. She had messaged me wanting to practice English and she was happy to teach me some...

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    Thien T.

    You know that friend that you always knew was around but you never really got to know them properly? For me this was Thien. Thien and I knew eachother from our highschool days playing a small online...

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    Adib A.

    It's Monday 28th of Feb 2022, our company has a new starter and guess what? I am his buddy. Little did I know how much my life would change because of this man. A warm welcome on your first working...

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    Chiho J.

    In my early twenties, something I read and heard alot about was how difficult it is to make new friends once you're an adult, let alone good friends. And for a good while I kept the same few groups of...

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